A couple of years ago, this thought dropped into my heart . . . ‘What’s your plan to love your enemy?’ It’s amazing what a chain of events these seemingly benign 7 words started in my life.
It’s a command from Jesus that has never seemed more relevant, at least not in my lifetime. I remember reading this in the gospels as a young girl and wasn’t sure what it meant to my life. I really didn’t have any enemies at the time. Actually, I didn’t know anyone who did. But my world got much bigger, and my naiveties fell away.
Today I am living in a country and region filled with people who have enemies. Real ones. Life and death ones. In your face ones. And the need has never been greater for a people who will stand up and say yes, I will love my enemy. Even though we may not understand it, or even want it, but our love for our God brings us to a higher place than our ethnic backgrounds and personal prejudices.
We can pick your friends and many other things, but you can’t pick your relatives. But think about it . . . you also can’t pick your enemies! What a drag! My world could be so much better if I could only ‘pick’ my enemies . . . but it doesn’t work this way.
We have so many plans. Plans to lose weight, plans to save money, plans for education, etc. But do we have a plan to love our enemies? Just as God had a plan for Jesus to love us, who were His enemies, He has a plan for us to love our enemies, if we just ask.
My hope and prayer is that you will really ask God . . . ‘What is Your plan for me to love my enemies?’ Then buckle your seatbelt.